6 Apr 2020

Week 3 of 12 Life in the Pokey

Hello my little chickadees.

How are you all doing? Seriously I'm interested because I have loads of time to kill. Are you all obeying the rules? It’s so hard but the more we adhere to it, the quicker we can knock this virus on the head and get back to normal.
So then this is a current photo of me and where all the hair is sprouting from.

Day 15 Monday

So then I got up around 7am and padded downstairs in the buff. There’s still no one to see my unironed sexy form (hah) so it doesn’t matter a jot. No one can see me from the back door anyway and there was a lovely early morning feel albeit a bit chilly. I put the kettle on to make my cuppa and pondered my brekkie. I decided on a nice bacon sarnie with tinned tomatoes on the side but I needed to shower and get dressed first.
Brekkie finished I decided to see if blogger had finally posted my blog. Woo hoo and about time too.
My friend Face timed me and after the niceties which included our root growth she wrote down my veggie order for later in the week. She’s a good girl as there are many older people living close by to her, and the hubster and she are shopping for us all. 
I checked into FB and there was all the usual stuff but so many games as well being played. I joined in with some of them.
It got to lunchtime and I decided on homemade veggie soup with left overs from the fridge. Very tasty it was too. I also remembered to take the bin out for tomorrow. What to have for dinner tonight was my next thought and I settled on Salmon which needed to defrost. Gone are the days of being able to have everything fresh and popping into town for top ups. |I decided to do smiley face chips and salad with it.
The evening seemed to come around far to quick and I spent most of it watching the telly followed by hot choccy and bed with my ever faithful kindle. I must remember to recharge it.

Day 16 (Tuesday)

Well I woke up at just after midnight and yet I didn't go to bed until 11pm. Didn’t need a wee this time I was just restless. What’s that all about. I got back to sleep eventually but then woke up just after 6.30am and switched on Webbo at Radio Ashford and joined in with the games. FB got me hooked and I finally got up at 9.20.
I made a cuppa rosy (remember our tutorial?) and started to think about brekkie. I know I’m always thinking about food. Do you want to know about my ablutions? Ok I showered and got dressed. No slobbing today though. The biggest decision was what to wear to get the bin in from the front pavement. I decided on a little off the shoulder number, topped with bling, my pink fluffy slippers, blue surgical gloves and disinfectant wipes. It’s my only trip out to the front of the house and I wanted to look my best and the fresh air was wonderful.
By then Phill Thorne was the DJ on Radio Ashford and we did a text chat. I’m going to give a shout out to Radio Ashford because two of them have set up studios in their own home so they can stay on air for us and Webbo goes into the small studio in town at 05.30am for his 6 o/clock slot. It’s a scary place as the building is very very old. Webbo interviewed me there a good while back and you can feel the weird vibes if you’re open to that sort of thing – which I am. It’s so community minded and all three DJ’s are keeping us updated on where or who to contact for help if we need it. I’m going to put the link in so you can get an idea of what they are doing. 

The next thing on the agenda for me was hoovering, but upstairs only as I want to save some for tomorrow J
I got up to open the front room window and there was my friend waving to me from her car in her snazzy mask and sterile gloves. No clothes, and I bet she got some strange looks in the farm shop. Fancy driving around like that? Don’t get arrested kiddo I need my shopper. So I opened the front door and ducked inside while she placed my veggies on the step. Oh god just don’t bend down lol. She legged it back to the car as I retrieved my goodies. Sitting on top was a spray of spring flowers to cheer me up. Freesias are one of my favourite spring flowers.
Egg mayonnaise sarny with spinach became my lunch with a glass of diet lemonade. I then chatted to my daughter in Law on face time giving us a chance to catch up. My young neighbour next door also text me to see if I needed anything, How lovely is that? 
I don’t know how it happened but I sat down about 3pm and ended up having a power nap. What can I say? I obviously needed it. A walk round the garden was called for as that’s my daily constitutional. Oh what? You wanted to know about that? Sorry I didn’t think to mention it before. Anyway, I had a nice cuppa out there.
I was a bit indecisive about dinner but ended up with a veggie selection and Salmon and lemon spinach fish cake. You can really taste the lemon coming through. I adore salmon but I reckon you get that by now.
After a bit of catch up telly I took a cuppa to bed with me and read several chapters from my kindle. Nighty night.

Day 17 Wednesday

I woke up at 06:25 this morning. Oh to sleep in until around 9am but it’s not going to happen is it? Webbo was on so I had a crack at his morning brain gymnastics game, which gets my limited grey cells working and I finally got it right.
It felt a bit chilly so I put my dressing gown on trotted downstairs and put the kettle on. Even with my dressing gown on I could feel it would be freezing as I opened the door. I was right. I took my cup into the front room and left the cold on the other side of the back door. I choose a different sofa by the radiator and looked across to my usual space. Hm! that indent of my bum on the sofa is getting more pronounced.

I decided on baked beans on toast with scrambled egg for brekkie. It was very filling as it happened. Then showered and got dressed in trackies for a change. I did the inevitable root check and it’s coming on nicely. Lord I’m getting vain J
My granddaughter needed some homework printed off which my son picked up. It still feels alien to not have a hug but I did the usual procedure and waved him off.

I then gutted the bedroom and changed it round. It means I have a different view of the trees which I love and the new look to the room is pleasing to the eye.
Lunch was a quick sandwich followed by strawberries and a cuppa rosy. I then sat down for a while and checked in on FB as I was so knackered from all the hoovering. I ended up staying there with my feet up until dinner time. I thought about my poor neglected puzzle but I didn’t fancy it. 
Finally at 6pm I cooked dinner of pork chop sweet potato wedges lettuce and cucumber salad.
I watched telly for the rest of the evening and enjoyed a couple glasses of wine. This was followed by biscuits and cheese which was my Slimming World healthy A for supper.
Bed with kindle around 10pm. Nighty night.

Day 18 Thursday
I woke at just after 6am really refreshed. Obviously the change around of the bed suits my sleeping pattern. It also meant I could sit up in bed and watch the birds as they begin their dawn chorus and do a bit of billing and cooing. Blimey they get more action than I do J
I checked in with Webbo and his other early risers as he calls us but I was rubbish at the brain teaser. After a while I started to doze and had the weirdest dream. It started off about a baby laying in a black carry cot, which was followed by a woman on a bus I slightly know from 30 years ago who asked me for a psychic reading. However, I said no because I had just broken my powder compact on the floor of the bus … stay with me, I don’t use face powder.  It was a tan coloured powder which reminded me of that certain person. I had a bit of a laugh at myself and got up to make my cuppa. I had Lady Grey for a change then checked in on FB. The lovely Louis Herthum had come over to my page to thank me for sharing the latest series that he’s starring in. He’s also a movie director/producer. He also starred in Murder She Wrote and alongside Anthony Hopkins in Westworld. I contacted a friend in Hollywood that works with HBO and asked if he could arrange for me to interview Louis. He pulled it off and Louis agreed to talk to me in a virtual interview. He’s such a lovely humble man and always pops up on my page to wish me happy birthday etc.

It was egg on toast with strawberries on the side for breakfast. Just don’t ask okay? I washed it down with …. You can fill it in.
I popped up for a shower, hair wash and of course I checked roots. I’m going to have to stop this…eventually. I’m addicted right?
My second room needed a spring clean and I also found out other things the new vacuum could do. Who knew. To ring the changes for lunch I had chocolate chip Weetabix 40gms. Actually it was quite nice. I spent most of the afternoon on the puzzle whilst checking in on FB. The puzzle (when bits fit) is growing on me I think, sort of…
I needed to reach a shelf in a cupboard that I usually have a bit of trouble with but it seemed a bit easier today. Out of curiosity I measured my height. Yep up against the wall with the pencil marking and tape. It turns out I’ve grown half an inch (I still use ‘old money’ when I can) to 5’4” It must be my new hip replacement from two years ago which has now completely realigned itself. About time it sorted itself out. I also noted that the bum dent in the sofa is getting deeper. You needed to know that right? 
Well this sums me up at the moment I reckon. You need to skip the ad of Carlos Santana which randomly appears at the beginning unless you’re a fan.

I somehow got side tracked and began looking at Home Plus website for bedroom and garden furniture. Wow who knew? I need some new garden furniture. Eventually the cleaning got finished and I did some more puzzle and played on FB. The puzzle is a love hate relationship. Then I downloaded Paths of the Dead by Lin Anderson onto the kindle. It’s a psychological thriller. I had a quick look at the story and spent at least an hour reading it. It’s one of those, that’s hard to put down.

Pork with greek yoghurt and salad for dinner which is all SW friendly, however the glass of wine wasn’t as I had already used up my ‘syn’ allowance for the day. I read the new story for most of the evening and went to bed late. Nighty night.

Day 19 Friday

Woke up at 06.06 :) I like to keep my numbers nice and tidy. Then I tuned into Webbo for all request Friday (Listeners get to choose all the songs) and kept him company. I have to admit though I had a bit of a doze and woke up at just after 7am. Webbo was still playing requests and there is so much community love on there. I caught up on FB and decided on bacon tomatoes beans and egg for brekkie and cuppa rosylee… of course.
It’s starting to feel warmer outside and it’s great to have the heating off. The days are becoming more bearable as it warms up. I had a quick shower and then put on pith helmet and plastic suit for sorting out the winter grime attached to the kitchen. How can it get so dirty over winter? I had lunch on the go with a well earned sit down in the afternoon with my feet up. I resisted checking on my roots. See I CAN do this if I try.
It was tuna pasta bake for dinner with diet coke and I settled down to watch Gardeners World which I love. I decided to have an earlier night and read my kindle way too late but this story is hard to put down. Nighty night.

Another one of my poems

The Supermarket Trolley
It stands in line just waiting for me
That supermarket trolley for all to see
I fall for it's charm every time
The one that's shiny and 1st in the line
I know it will steer all over the place
I will end up with a red face
Why don't I take the tatty one on the end?
It looks pretty sad and could do with a mend
When will I learn that looks don't matter?
We only push it around and have a natter
I have to admit old ones work best
Truth to tell they've passed every test
Abused by shoppers and crashed into stands
Used time and again and been through many hands
But my pride is at stake image is the thing
The new shiny trollies go with my bling
So struggle I will to steer it straight
My image looks good at any rate
How I envy the woman gliding with ease
She watches me struggling just to tease
With shopping done I vow once more
No more shiny ones for me I know the score
As I pass through the door they stand in line
One is winking at me saying wait 'till next time © 

Laters Potaters


Anonymous said...

Loving the latest updates. Is there any chance you could add the date of each post? I’m getting confused, it’s probably the lockdown! Xx

Cheryl xx

Author T K Geering said...

Hiya Ok I'll try and remember xx