13 Apr 2020

4/12 Still locked up in the pokey

Hello my little chickadees 
Well that was a fantastic weekend and the weather was amazing. So then here we go and the format seems to be changing weekly. I guess it stops it from becoming stale.

Day 20 Monday 6th April

I woke up pretty early actually and yep I awoke during the night for the usual trip to the bathroom. I got back into bed and settled down and then had to get up to go again! Really? Whats all that about? mega sighs.
I had oats with honey and dried mix fruit for brekkie. We’ve had this discussion before so don’t start again you’re beginning to become boring, I like it okay? I did my ablutions and had such a time getting all the oats out of my teeth .. AND I’ve got an electric toothbrush. Anyone else have that trouble I wonder?
I spent most of the day uploading the blog. well that was the plan, it started to drive me to despair. Blogger is really playing up since this work from home malarkey started. I may have to stop doing these if blogger is going to continually play up. The trouble is I can see it saving in blogger, but when I close the page to upload it, it then tells me that I have unsaved changes. Jog on for goodness sake you’ve just saved it! Twice I've lost everything and had to retype it all. I was losing the will to live. I’ve now started to copy and paste from a word document, which seems to help. Finally, I got it to upload and post.

Lunch was a crab stick salad which was very tasty and it was so beautiful outside I ate it in the garden. Lots of hand washing has been going on today and the sound of motor bikes going up and down the main road slightly off in the distance really wound me up. 
My son and his wife's friend lives next door and we had a nice quite drink together in the sun … Him in his garden and me in mine keeping the designated distance between us... We conversed between the large gap in one of my garden bushes. So we could both see and hear each other. We were both safe and yet there were even more dickheads racing around the main road in the distance. Stupid people make me angry. Moving on before I get started.
We stayed out there most of the afternoon and early evening and the wine flowed just a little bit J
Dinner was a huge salad with boiled baby potatoes.
Eventually I took my kindle to bed and carried on reading my psychological thriller about a serial killer. Great to read just before bed.

Day 21 Tuesday 7th April

Woke up at 06.28. How precise is that? I did another all nighter and I'm proud of my achievement You have to be of a certain age to understand how uplifting this is. (anytime from 40 years onward will do it)

I had lots to do today and it was going to be 16 deg which is pretty warm for April. So I ignored FB and popped downstairs to make my rosy and listen to Webbo. I can’t have him all on his own chatting to himself on the radio. He gets up before 5am to do his radio show and update us on what we need to know regarding who's delivering food etc in the community. Not everyone can get a supermarket shop delivered now. 

Actually it’s quite nice to sit outside with a beverage and enjoy the first rays of the sun. There’s a strong feeling of Spring in the air. Absolutely super for us hay fever sufferers. Not...!
Showered and dressed in shorts and top with a track suit on, because quite frankly I’m not interested in getting dressed up to get the bins in now. I’m sure the bin men don’t give a hoot as they’re too busy trying to protect themselves I reckon.

After brekkie and another cuppa I got stuck into shredding old paper receipts and bills. There’s something immensely satisfying about that job. Most of it was about two years old. 
By one o’clock I was starving and my small portable shredder was gasping for breath and quite hot, so I prepared lunch of jacket potato and salad while it cooled down. I washed it down with wait for it … a bottle of water and very nice it was too.
The garden was calling me. Mostly it talks to me quite nicely but sometimes It’s extremely rude like when it come out with, “Oi! Are you going to weed and water me or what?” Probably ‘or what’. Anyway, I digress; I spent the afternoon in the garden reading and trying to avoid Cyril’s nut holes. Some of them are truly worse than the pot holes in the roads around here. He finds it funny when I trip down them. It was beautiful sitting in the garden as it’s quite sheltered.

I decided on chilli with sour cream and a few chips for dinner as I’m still doing Slimming World even though it’s virtual at the moment. I don’t want to go back to the weight I was thank you and my back wouldn’t be too happy either carrying the extra weight again.When it began to get dark I sat outside with a glass of Merlot and watched the pink super moon. It was truly awesome, and then I decided to toddle off to bed and read.

Day 22 Wednesday 8th April

Another beautiful day in Christendom – so to speak, and I took my cuppa to the back door to drink it. I had a rare visit by an old friend. I call him “It’s NOT my cat!” because he used to pop in now and again, have a wander around and then sit in the garden for a while before wandering off.  He meowed at me and demanded a stroke along his back, which I gave him and then promptly washed those handies thoroughly, just in case because I don’t know where he come from and I refuse to tempt providence in any way. He wandered around inside for a while just being nosy and then slinked off into the garden as usual.

I finished off the shredding (neglected after our previous conversation) ready for my new portable file carrier and did some filing. Having got the boring grot stuff out of the way I enjoyed a three egg ham and tomato omelette for brekkie. Very ‘nommy’

I spent the rest of the day in the garden as the sun was lovely. There was loads of tidying up to do after the winter storms, and I can’t wait to order a new shed. My current one is doing it’s best but it’s definitely struggling and won’t last another year. I definitely needed to wash my handies after being in there. Talk about muck and bullets. Soo many cobwebs and spiders. I definitely needed the trackie bottoms, wellies, long sleeved top and pith helmet. I must have looked just like a flowerpot man from the kiddies programmes of years ago. Having climbed over the lawn mower and every other obstacle I put in there at the end of last winter, I found all my old wind chimes hanging up. I negotiated the way back slowly. Just remember I have several, heavy wind chimes in both hands now to put around the garden trees. I definitely want to get some more solar lights locally, but it’s not classed as essential shopping so they will have to wait awhile. Sighs. I seem to be getting into a pattern now of working inside during the morning, and working in the garden in the afternoon. I was quite knackered by dinner time so I ate inside as it began to get dark (steak and salad and yep a glass of course) Lots of catch up TV to watch and then beddie byes. Nighty night.

Day 23 Thursday 9th April

I woke up at just after 1am wide awake – no I didn’t need the loo, I think it might have been the super moon’s influence and I watched it for a while through the open curtains. It was huge and (to me) powerful. I love the moon, can you guess? I went back to sleep just before 5am and slept ‘til 9am. Ok I also played around on FB as well, I also felt like I’d been hit with a sledge hammer when I woke up. 

I had a cuppa in the garden along with my brekkie and spent the day in the garden working. Yes of course I got showered and dressed first, wise guy. Hah!  I just popped in for water and snacks and it was lovely. I wasn’t very hungry so had a light supper and sloped off to bed with a hot chocolate and my kindle. Another day tomorrow and I think I got a bit sunburnt today on my arms and back. See you tomorrow.

 Day 24 Friday 10th April Good Friday

Well for most people this would be the first day of a long Easter holiday weekend but as most people except key workers are self isolating it’s just another day at the moment. My day started early at 7am. Ok I lied; it’s not that early for me but then I hopped to the bathroom twice during the night. It’s all the extra water I’m taking on at the moment. It was obviously going to be a good day weather wise  as the usual dickheads were already out on the main road. So many evil thoughts went through my mind, but I sincerely wish that they get away with their stupidity. I wouldn’t wish this virus on anyone. However, will they ever learn? probably not.

I decided on spending another day in the garden and I could see that Cyril had been about as more of my tubs had been dug over. He’s a right little ‘tinker’. I got on with pruning the bushes and it was lovely to hear the birds singing in the trees.

After lunch my young neighbour joined me in the garden observing social distancing of course with him at his table on his side and me at mine under the umbrolley. It was really pleasant just sitting there with a glass of wine and reminiscing over the past, as he and my son had grown up together playing in either my garden or his. The twelve pairs of trainers that were always lined up in a neat row on the stairs to my son’s bedroom became the norm. Playing music and computer games in my sons' room. A mixture of kids from their school and quite often broken homes. At least if they were there, then I knew they were safe. In some cases it was a safe haven from home life. Most of them still call me mum to this day. They always had two chances. Screw up the first time over anything and I let them off after a bit of a talking too. Do it again and they didn’t return.That was my only rule and I very rarely had any trouble. They’re all grown up with their own families now.

Eventually I moved inside to watch TV that I had recorded while he went in to watch some Netlix. It was a very relaxing evening, but then I taught him how to tie his shoes laces as a youngster.
After a while via FB messenger, I chatted to my author friend in Germany and it was good to touch base. We are a bit nutty when we get together, but then I got him in a headlock to bring him over to the dark side back in the day.
After reading for a while I decided to call it a night and await the coming of Easter. Nighty night.
Enjoy your Easter weekend.


I had a trusty mobile phone it really was the best
I loved it heart and soul, it was better than the rest
I dropped it in a glass of wine that I call 'wonky neck'
That's J P Chenet if you really care a feck
It needed warmth and heat I thought to dry its little innards
So I put it in the airing cupboard alongside all my knickers
It stayed there for a long weekend getting drier by the hour
Hopefully a charge would hold and give it back some power
With shaking hands I took it out it looked ok to me
I took a chance and plugged it in and waited just to see
Whether my little mobile friend would work again for me
A tiny drop of blood oozed out or maybe it was wine
It coughed and spluttered in torment that little friend of mine
Then it died a death so awful it really was unkind
What a way to go though, drowning in red wine. ©

Laters potaters


Anonymous said...

Loved social distancing in the garden, sounds idyllic!

Really enjoying this blog! I hope you keep it going, it will be a great piece of social history!

Take care

Cheryl x

Author T K Geering said...

Thanks Cheryl
Well you never know.

Keep safe
