27 Apr 2020

Institutionalised in the pokey

Hello my little chickadees.

How are you all? Still inside staying safe I hope. So then, what have I been up to this week. Here's your weekly fix.

Day 34 Monday 20th April

Well I had a late start this morning, so had a brunch, which was a SW fry up and it was delicious.
Most of the morning was taken up by sorting out my blog and posting it. Why does it pose such a problem at times? I blame blogger, it can’t be anything to do with my technological expertise. Hah!

I spent a lot of the morning talking to Joely Tonna on FB. You must remember her, she was the young lady I included in my blog last week singing It’s a lockdown. It turns out that she also wrote a book for 8 – 12 year olds called Living the Dream which I’ve been promoting. Joely belongs to a book club and recommended my books to them, so it was a win win. Here's the link.

I had an early dinner for a change as I was a bit Hank Marvin. Cockney rhyming slang. Come on, keep up you lot. It was a chicken stir fry with veggies, chillies, garlic and Greek yoghurt.

I decided to watch the news. Mega mistake. It’s just so depressing. I’d rather scroll the news channel on my phone. That way you can scroll past what you don’t want to read.

Oh I actually remembered to put the bins out. Yay. I popped out quickly in my jim jams and dressing gown. Well it was after dark and there was no one about.
I made a cuppa of Lady Grey for a change. What’s the betting I don’t complete an all nighter.

I gave up on the puzzle by the way. Did I say? It was boring me to be honest. Anyway, I’m off to snuggle up with my kindle. Night night.

Day 35 Tuesday 21st April

And here we go again. It’s another day in the pokey. If it wasn’t for the nice weather and getting out in the garden I’d be in the funny farm I think. Some say I’m an escaped resident anyway. The refuse collectors woke me up, so I thought I may as well start the day. I went down in my dressing gown which came undone as I opened the back door. Ew that chill of cool air on bare skin. Brrr roll on full summer.

I popped the kettle on while I got the bin. I should add that I was showered and dressed by now.
Gloves (tick) 
Sterile wipes (tick)
I wiped all around the gate latch before I brought the bin in. Then it was a matter of wiping the handle and top of bin. The disposing of the gloves. Better safe than sorry Eh?

Kettle had boiled, so I took cuppa into the lounge and took out my Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards. These are new to me and I love them. I shuffle each time I use them and let them choose a card for me. Wonderful artistry by Lily Moses. Many of you didn’t know that I’ve been psychic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, psychometry, and a distance healer, animal healer, and loads of other things since a youngster. Well you do now.

I had fruit for brekkie this morning with strawberry yogurt for a change. Oh and no I didn’t make it through the night. No idea what time I got up but it was still dark. 

I do think my hay fever is worse this year. I wonder if it’s to do with the clear air quality. Fortunately, I found a fresh pack of my hay fever tabs.

I’ve got a Tesco delivery today. I have no time slot, so it means I’ve got to hang around inside. I’m just chuffed that I got one, so I spent nearly all day on the Mac while I was waiting.
I need some exercise me thinks. I turned up the radio and had a bit of a dance around the room. I think the song was sex on the beach. Those were the days lol.

Yay the Tesco man has been and we were like one of those clocks where the man goes inside as the woman pops out trying to do social distancing. We managed it quite well. I do so hate putting shopping away though, it’s like going on a mission. It meant I could have a couple of hours in the garden sitting in the sun. Lovely. A glass of iced water for when It got too warm and the parasol was close by if it got too hot.

I finally came in around 6ish and left the birds to their feeding. My garden is full of robins, white collard doves and pigeons. I love it.

Salmon and salad for dinner with a glass of wine. A bit of telly catch up and to bed. Nighty night.

Day 36 Wednesday 22nd April

I had a really good nights’ sleep and woke just before 6am
Absolutely wide awake. As usual I tuned into Webbo. I don’t always take part in his brain gymnastics but I enjoy listening.

This morning I was back on the Mac again. This time editing my story for the UK Crime Book Club Spring Shorts. It’s a seasonal thing so to speak with Halloween tossed into the mix as well. I love doing short stories and try to keep to the theme. This one’s a bit different though as it’s sci-fi. 

After lunch I potted up all the veggie seeds. I’m a bit late this year but it’s strange times. Anyway they are all sitting on my windowsill enjoying the sun, until they start to pop their shoots up.

Guess what I did next? Straight out in the garden to enjoy the sun. Yet again I stayed out there until dinner time. I even took a glass of wine out there around 17:45 and watched the birds feed around me. If I don’t move they are happy with me being there. My garden is so magical at times. It’s a joy to sit there and watch the sun go down.

I decided to have an early night and carry on with the story I’m reading. It’s a psychological thriller by S. Burke. I always get so absorbed in her stories. Nighty night.

Day 37 Thursday 23 April

Well I had another good nights sleep and took my early morning cuppa into the garden. It was warm and peaceful. I made the decision to do an early morning watering as the ground was so dry. That took me a couple of hours. I could feel the tops of my naked legs getting burnt already, so I swopped  my short shorts for a knee length pair. Behave! I’m beyond the days of skimpy bikini bottoms… Well maybe… 

After lunch there was a loud knock on my front door. As I opened it, my granddaughter Maddie scuttled back to my son on the other side of the fence while I stayed at the door. Mum was working from home and Maddie was going stir crazy and in need of a hug. Of course it couldn't happen and it became quite emotional at one point love her.

Tonight at 8pm my neighbours and I were outside clapping for everyone and slowly the numbers are increasing and getting noisier. The community feeling is wonderful. I do hope it lasts.
Early night for me with a cuppa. Nighty night.

Day 38 or is it Day 6738? It feels like it to be honest, but in fact it’s Friday 24thApril

I woke later today. Typical when I’d planned on so much work in the garden. I dug up a passion flower and clematis to replant in the sun. Totally the wrong time but they grow up my shed which desperately needs replacing. If I leave them to flower and grow as usual, then I will have to cut them both back when I replace the shed and they will get damaged. So they’ve got two chances. 

After lunch I checked my hair growth. Yep it’s coming along nicely. My roots are a sort of dirty blonde colour but the sun is bleaching my hair as usual anyway. So I can sort of live with that. My moustache and leg hair though… Oh deary me. I sooo need some threading and waxing done… Sighs. I'm just going to shut my eyes to it.

It was so lovely in the garden I decided to spend the afternoon and evening there. It was absolutely beautiful just sitting there watching the sun go down with a couple of glasses of wine. The breeze was rustling the leaves of the trees. The sky was a tropical blue and the birds were feeding at the feeders. I wonder where Cyril is? I’m going to put his squirrel hotel up tomorrow and fill it with food. I can see him wrecking it at first feeding. Oh well. Nighty night folks. See you next week.

I've got another book for you to check out and yes another local author to me who has brought out her debut novel. Here's the link and check out the reviews.

1800 – 1849

I have an ancestor named the murdering mother
She killed at random like no others.
Lived in Guestling in Sussex by the sea
This has only recently become known to me.
She married Richard Geering when pregnant with the first
At Westfield in a little church.
She bumped him off for his money you see
Twenty pounds in total was told to me.
During 1846 and 1849
She killed her children one at a time.
The coroner and police got wind
Realising that she had sinned.
Exhumed the bodies to check it out
Poison was used there is no doubt.
Sentenced to hang by the neck until dead 
Recorded in history and now widely read. ©

Laters Potaters

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