5 May 2020

Losing the will in the pokey

Hello my little chickadees 

Due to the sudden change in the weather from 25 deg down to around 17 deg I've gone slightly mad. I’ve been wearing a hula skirt, wild flowers wrapped around my top wobbly bits. I've got naturally brown legs from all the sun recently, a hairy moustache and dirty blonde roots. I just bet you can imagine it. 

How are you coping with the lock down? Some days I really struggle. How about you? Do you want to tell me about it? You might as well I’ve got nothing else to do except write this blog, housework, and gardening. No? Ok then here we go with the diary....

Day 41 Monday 27th April

Another early rise for me this morning as I just knew my blog was going to be a beastie to post and I was right. Armed with a cuppa and some fruit for my brekkie, I made a start. I spent most of the morning trying to post the blethin thing. I took a break for lunch and finally it stopped trying to top itself and posted.

Lunch I decided on a quick cheese and pickle sandwich. I haven’t had one of those for ages. 
Blow me if my emails folder didn’t do a runner and went walk about. Then they just reappeared when I went back into them. What ever!
It turned pretty mucky outside but the bird feeders needed filling so I made the effort and the birds sat in a row on the fence and thanked me individually. At least I think that’s what it was. Or maybe they were just telling me off. Who knows. 

While I was out I checked on the clematis and passion flower I replanted. They seem ok and it’s probably the only passion in my life at the moment which suits me just fine.
I came in and put my feet up after checking the rest of the garden. Next bit of movement will be the honeysuckle. I was given some tips on taking cuttings. 
That’s a job for tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.

I decided to do chilli for dinner tonight with savory rice and a glass of wine. Just the one Mrs Wembly . (Very old, English comedy TV series with Dennis Waterman.)

I caught up on Monarch of the Glen which I’ve been missing, had a mug of hot chocolate and I was off up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire. Nighty night.

Day 42 Tuesday 28th April

So then I woke up before 6am and I was wide awake. I pulled the front bedroom curtains and …. What a grotty day outside. Jim jams this morning and my dressing gown as I supped at my cuppa rosy (don’t start you know by now what I’m on about)

I had a massive grill up again for brekkie – bacon eggs mushrooms and tinned tomatoes with multi seeded brown toast. Well of course it would be wouldn’t it? It’s toasted. So many smart arses out there.

Then it was time to catch up with emails, followed by a bit of promotion of the lovely Joely Tonna and Crystal Chard. Both authors local to me and joely of course did the Lockdown song. If you haven’t heard it then you can listen to it here.


Here's a bit of cosmic synchronicity. I spoke to Joely on messenger and we discovered the following, bearing in mind that I've never met her before and never heard of her before hearing the Lockdown song.

Coincidence 1
I stated that I knew a Fabiola Tonna when my son was growing up. It’s her sister!
Coincidence 2
I mentioned that back in the 70’s my friend and I had rented a house in Malta from a Joe Tonna. He’s her dad and it’s her family home.
Coincidence 3 I had lost touch with the friend and it turns out she’s a dear friend of Joely. So there you have it. Sometimes fate works in mysterious ways

Well I had to get the bin in so I showered and dressed in trackies. You can throw them off in the wash bin in a jiffy. It takes longer to pop the sterile gloves on and disinfect the whole bin with wipes. 
My next mission was to replace the battery in the remote control for the radio. I couldn’t get the back open because I’ve got nerves trapped in my left hand (don’t go there) So after a consultation with a friend, he came up with a suggestion to open it. It was that or throw it, but I’m a stubborn cow that doesn’t like to be beaten. I won’t tell you how I managed it as it would take to long but it’s finally done.
This took me up to the 11am one minute silence for all the NHS that had died through Corona virus. I watched it on the ‘net and yes it was very emotional as the news panned all over the country.
Lunch was macaroni cheese on toast which was very nom nom. I haven’t had that for ages and washed it down with a coffee for a change. It’s good to ring the changes.

I decided to read through one of my works in progress. It gave me some new ideas for the plot lines. It seems forever since I wrote anything on my novels, it’s been mostly short stories and this blog, which surprisingly takes up quite I bit of time. I take notes during the day and write it up the following morning. It’s Wednesday but I’m writing up Tuesdays diary.

Dinner tonight was the last of the chilli with pasta. Why does it always taste better second time around? Ok I know why. It was rhetorical. 

I took a cup of hot chocolate to bed at 9pm and read my psychological thriller I downloaded. Very much a “don’t leave your feet out of bed and keep the duvet up to the chin.” I finally put it down around 11pm. Nighty night.

Day 43 Wednesday 29th April

I didn’t wake up until just after 7am and … drum roll … I managed an all nighter even with the late drink. Whoop! Also, I’d been drinking water all day so well chuffed with that.
Some of my fruit was getting a bit ripe so I decided to have that for breakfast.

Most of the morning I was taking honeysuckle cuttings. Well in between showers and sunshine. My garden can so do with the rain as it’s like concrete and the earth is cracked. Good news…! My seedlings in trays on the windowsill have started to make an appearance, well except for the peppers. I think they must be Australian. I love watching them slowly germinate.
For lunch I needed warming up so I did a jacket potato with cottage cheese and chocolate and coconut green tea for a change. Very tasty.
After lunch I decided to check out my hair root growth and moustache … oh dear, big mistake. Oh well….

I felt a bit decadent around 5pm so I had some chocolate raisins and a glass of wine. I put it down to the crap weather. I so miss that gorgeous sunshine of last week. Was it last week? I don’t know, the days and weeks all roll into one at the moment.

After dinner which was salmon topped with chilli and garlic; added mixed veggies, I binged out on catch up tv and had an early nightery to read my psychological thriller. It’s really grabbed me and it’s getting darker by the chapter. So nighty night and see you tomorrow.

Day 44 Thursday 30th April

Morning all Well I was awake three times during the night all bathroom visits, which is down to all the water I drank yesterday. I gave up and got up at 5am and made myself a cuppa rosy – now now, behave and put those hands down and put the brains in gear.
I tuned in and chatted to Webbo at 6am and did some of his brain gymnastic games. I got pipped to the post by Dapper Dickey Freeman to be top of the texting tree so I told Webbo to duff him up. Mid morning I finally decided to have brekkie which was chocolate chip Weetabix. 40 grams to be exact to be slimming world friendly. 

I wasn’t very hungry at lunch time so around 3pm I had a tuna sandwich which I haven’t had for ages.
Dinner was S P and O. Anyone remember what that is? (S)ausages, (P)otatoes mashed and (O)nions fried. Lush and washed down with a mug of rosy lee!!

8pm I was outside with my neighbours clapping our hearts out. Each week there are even more joining in with pots and spoons, all making as much noise as we can. A special cheer went up as our neighbour who is a paramedic appeared on the doorstep. We owe so much to them. In some cases our lives, whether it’s trough this situation or other ailments.

I caught up with another neighbour I haven’t seen for ages (social distancing of course) but we both got so cold that we agreed to do the same thing next Thursday.

Hot chocolate was called for which warmed me through. I’ll probably get a sugar surge with all this chocolate. I managed to stay awake until just before 10pm so I popped off the beddy byes with my kindle. Nighty night.

Day 45 Friday 1st May

I was only awake twice last night for bathroom visits. Soooo much water I’m drinking and I didn’t wake up until well after 7am. Late on parade as I’m usually one of Webbo’s early risers. I did enjoy my 3 egg spinach omelette though. 

Lots to do today and need to check on my new seedlings that are shooting up. They are red onions, spring onions, carrots and a little tomato plant in the bottom picture. 

Time to feed the birds and top up all the feeders. I have one feeder that looks like a little house and hangs from a mock orange bush but it’s quite difficult to fill. So I hold the bag of food in my left arm and take handfuls of seeds out to fill it with my right hand (still with me?) Well, while I was concentrating on filling the small gap under the roof of the house I suddenly realised the top of the bag had tipped over and now there is a big pile of bird seed on the grass. Someone will have a full puffed out stomach tonight. 

My stomach is growling and I'm in need of some sustenance but what to have? Ok I settled on strawberries and yoghurt. It's a bigun of a pot and I'll probably only manage half. Actually I fancy a sandwich as well; maybe cheese and pickle. I might have sausages again tonight with veggies and sweet potato wedges. The sausages need using up.

I was late with dinner tonight so I had a glass of wine with it. Gardeners World got recorded and I finally watched it before going to bed. Guess what I'll be doing in bed? Yep the kindle is waiting. Nighty night. See you next week on Day 48 still locked in the pokey.

 Just for a change I’m including one of my short stories that I wrote just after I started writing full time. The book Eye of Erasmus managed to get to drum roll ...... #3 on Amazon. 

Of course, it’s now incorporated in the trilogy called Soulfate. Here’s the link if you want to take a look…

Here ya go then


Feeling bored on the earthly plain I needed a change. Isn’t it great when you’ve got two places of residence?
My earthly home was great when the sun was shining and frequently I sat there sipping wine and dreaming of the perfect man. Was there one? No way! I could always invent one of course then I could mould him into perfection. This meant putting words on paper as writers do.
If you’ve never been very close to a cloud such as mine, then I imagine you would think a cloud is a cloud right? No! Mine was special; soft, fluffy and just big enough to lay flat out on, but also large enough for one more body when I had the urge.
On this particular day I was feeling lonely. I needed a mate to either pass the time with or at least one to fantasize about. I had my notebook with me and my wild imaginings started to take shape. What was I looking for in the perfect lover or indeed the perfect man? He needed to be a bit on the wild side. Just enough on the side of eye candy to create an interest for me. He would also need a bit of a sadistic nature to combat my wild ways. How about a bit of a dark side of which I would know nothing?  I was really getting into this now, and the thought excited me. I sat and pondered a bit more just to see if I could enhance him in any way. This is when fantasy started to take over. He would be called Erasmus and would be my very own time travelling lover with attitude. I fell in love with him, my very own secret lover.
As I lay there re reading what I had written it got me wondering why writers write. Was it just for fun, escapism, or just because they had to see words on paper. Who knows? It’s a personal thing I guess.
That’s when it happened! I suddenly found myself writing a story around my perfect man. I even had the title all prepared. It would be called the Eye of Erasmus.
This arrogant man (who by now I had fallen in love with) also needed to be brought down a peg or two. I allowed him to bed as many women and in some cases men as he wanted and then pull him up sharply. Did he really think he was going to get away with that? No way! I allowed him a vision in which he saw the woman of his dreams. Would I allow him to make contact with her though? 
I suddenly realised I had become a writer and was doing it purely for escapism. How did I feel about that?
Hell I don’t know but it sure was fun. ©

Laters Potaters

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