30 Mar 2020

Week 2 of 12 - Life in the pokey

Hello my little chickadees.
How's life going for you? I've actually got time to be interested now that I'm in this lock up. Oh for those heady days when we could wander hither and thither, here and there without a care in the world except for earning a crust to see us through the next months bills etc. blah blah.
Ah! those were the days. What will we tell future generations I wonder? We made it through the Corvid 19!
So what have I been up to this week? You might as well read it as you haven't got anything else on have you?

Right then

Day 8 Locked up in the pokey

I had to get up at 06:30 for a wee. What you laughing at (Willis) I'm grateful to have made it through a whole night without waking up to go. Also my phone needed charging which meant I became an early riser. Don't go there :)
I opened the back door and promptly shut it again. Well I only had my jammies on and the heating had only just kicked in. Just for the record I don't really wear jim jams but I don't fancy you all seeing my skin until it's been ironed and crease free.
Having put the kettle on I mentally planned what I wouldn't do. The list is endless as you can imagine. I decided to have fruit for brekkie as I had some strawberries that needed using up.
I popped over to FB while I had my early riser cuppa and it was heartening to see how supportive people are being of one another. In the background was my local radio station playing. Webbo keeps us company from 6am until noon. Normally he just does 6am to 10 but the DJ who does 10am onwards is self isolating. As it happens, he's the one who interviewed me live (obviously I wasn't demised) back in the days when we could get out.
One of my settees is a two seater with reclining positions for the back and low risers for the feet. I always sit in the same place and noticed that there is a definite imprint of where my bum rests. Thats a pain because I have a coffee table beside me that I use. Ho hum. It'll be interesting what the shape will be after 12 weeks isolation.
My friend face timed me which was enjoyable as it gave us time to catch up on what we hadn't done!
We did it in our dressing gowns. I find this non wearing of underwear quite liberating and of course it saves on washing. You never know when you can top up on washing powder so it needs to be conserved.

This afternoon after a lunch of jacket potato (last one for time being until next delivery) beans and cheese on top I decided to use my relatively new dyson and do a bit of a clean up. The only trouble was I'd forgotten how to use the hose part and I had to get the booklet out. (Don't ask)

I went outside for some fresh air as per our exercise instructions and took out a cuppa. I caught sight of Cyril squirrel. I bet he's been catching up on increasing his kittens brood.
BOJO has officially put us in lockdown now which will mean a complete change of life as we know it. It does make me wonder if we will have a baby boom come nine months from now.
I decided to have an early dinner for a change and then did some more of my puzzle which took me most of the evening. I took a cuppa and my kindle to bed.

Day 9 Locked up in pokey

I only made it to 5am this morning before I needed the loo. So I thought I'd make an early start to the day. That didn't happen as the heating hadn't come on yet and it was pigging freezing so I got back into bed and flipped through FB for an hour. I finally got up at 6am to lovely blue skies. I sat back on the sofa in the perfect dent that's now forming due to the shape of my bum (Oi it's only little) and chatted to Webbo on the radio by text. Joining in with his early morning brain teasers. I just couldn't get the answer this morning though.
The infamous dent

It's so quiet outside with no traffic at the end of my road. It does make me wonder about the environment and if this is all having a beneficial effect. I'm breathing so much easier being free of pollution.
I've got lots to do today. Well that's the plan. The washing is on, I'm showered and tucking into my porridge with honey and dried fruit. Yes! we've discussed this before in my last blog. I like it, okay?
Normally I would be at slimming world today but that's out of the question as it's gone online. So instead I've done a bit of ironing. It makes me feel righteous. That will change tomorrow.
Lunch was a sandwich with side salad. Not much of it as it's hard to get hold of. It must have been horrendous during the second world war when rationing came in. Fingers firmly crossed for that one not happening.
I did some more of the puzzle but it's uninteresting to be honest. Still it keeps the grey cells going. The 1pm news was depressing so I turned it off and did some dusting instead. How can spiders make so much mess for goodness sake. They sat up close to the ceiling with no social distancing, watching me, and as soon as my back was turned they started spinning again for goodness sake. Grr. I swear one of them was laughing.
Then I started on the kitchen. Well that was a mission, so I just did the couple of bits of washing up and sat down to read. I've given up with lists they're a waste of time if I'm honest. I'm a bit of a wash and go person.
Tonight for dinner I made a chicken stir fry with greek yoghurt. It was delicious. I also had a couple of glasses of wine. Watched a bit of TV that I had recorded and went to bed. Nighty night.

Day 10 Locked up in pokey

Well I only made it to just after 3am this morning before I did a bathroom run. Must have been that last bottle of.... Oh wait I mean... last glass of wine I had. I took ages to get back to sleep and didn't wake up until 8am. I had a lovely grill up this morning. Fried egg, bacon, baked beans, sausage and toast. All slimming world friendly.... Honest! It's what they call free food. The egg I did in Frylight (0cals) and I had cooked sausages the night before in the oven. Warmed up in micro. Easy peasy. Toasted wholemeal bread was my healthy B. Healthy A is mostly the calcium range of milk, cheese etc of which you also have one of a day.
My friend has topped up my veggies (Hurrah) by leaving a bag on the door step and doing a runner in her mask. No clothes, just a mask :)
My granddaughter needed some homework printed off, so my son sat in the car while I did it. We share a printer at the moment. Once done it was put on the step and while I shut myself inside he picked it up and left me a smoothie that my daughter in law had made for me.
It was bed linen change day which is my pet hate and I leave it until the last minute. I intensely dislike the way the duvet always fights back as you try to stuff it in the cover. I've heard all the ideas on the best way to do it. I've tried them all and still get in a mess.
Having done that I went into the garden with a drink to do my walk about. I could hear an argument going on at the front of the property and my curiosity got the better of me so I went in to look. There were four, thirty somethings, in a circle arguing about the lockdown. "It's a f***ing lockdown babe. Get the f**k away from me" She moves closer just to antagonise and gets a slap around the head for her trouble. Then the others join in. "Ain't you got no brains? It's a f***ing lockdown and get away from my door. More screaming at each other while my finger is on speed dial. Eventually they see sense and wander off in different directions. No idea who they were though as Ive never seen any of them before.

I watched some TV after dinner and had an early night. That duvet changing really tired me out don't you know!!

Day 11 Locked up in pokey

I woke up at 7am after doing another all nighter. I'm getting good at this. The house was lovely and warm and I enjoyed a cuppa whilst catching up on FB again. It took me forever to go through all the notifications. Why do we do it for goodness sake? Have I caught this new disease they call FOMO? Fear of missing out? How ridiculous is that one.
I made a second cup of tea and had chocolate chip weetabix for brekkie for a change. Actually it was quite nice. I decided to get the iron out. I had no plans to use it. It was just feeling neglected. So I had a bit of a chat to it. It seemed quite content so I stood it back up in its box by the ironing board.
After lunch I did a bit more housework. Lordee I hate it but it's got to be done.
I had a nice walk in the garden and did a bit of tidying up. All the spring bulbs called out hello as I passed them. The primroses are beautiful this year and it's so nice to open the windows and let the fresh air in. It got me pondering on just how many people are going to work in their jammies. If they are doing conference calls I bet they're having a right laugh.
I had a slimming world meal for dinner and it was delicious. I did sweet roasted tatties on the side. I slummed in front of the TV while the Chancellor updated about the self employed. I'm not even going there on that one but at least he's treating them the same more or less as the employed.

A hair root check was also called for. Uh oh it's started; but it looks like my roots are a dark blonde which is not too bad. I can live with that. However what I can't live with is the random hairs that are starting to appear on my face. I desperately need my beauty therapist. Oh well at least I can hide indoors and count them as they grow.
Hot chocolate, bed and my kindle after watching late night telly.

Day 12 Locked up in pokey

Woke up at 6:30 after a bathroom visit of 02: something or other. I didn't check properly. It was probably that hot chocolate late at night so I only have myself to blame for that. My brekkie was fruit this morning with a nice cup of Lady Grey for a change. Then shower and dressed for my constitutional in the garden. It was bloody freezing but I stuck it out for a while. Another hot drink was called for. It's so lovely to be able to breathe outside but my hay fever has kicked in and there is a hunt for anti histamine going on. Found some. Yay.
Had a quick sandwich for lunch. My Lord the news is depressing so I never bothered putting it on.
I decided to do the slob bit and dossed around all afternoon on my bum Oh and I did some of my puzzle.

I did a stir fry for dinner with spinach and 'smiley' chips which are my granddaughters favourite.
Telly was a bit boring so I read my kindle and finally went to bed. Nighty night.

Another one of my poems

Side by side the beach towels both lay
The yellow one was feminine and sassy
The white one came from Tallahassee
By the edge of the shore they both lay
Waiting for the end of day
The sun beat down and the sea gently lapped
Back and forth at a gentle pace
Nowhere to go except where it had been
No tide to be seen this beach was a dream
A drinks bar at an angle with drinkers around
Yet there seemed to be no sound
But for the sea lapping at the shore
It would do this for ever more
As the late evening sun began to set
A gentle breeze began to blow
The towels moved only a fraction
It was but a mere distraction
The owners returned walking hand in hand
Scooped up the towels and walked back up the sand
The evening sun watched them go
But knew they would be back tomorrow. ©

Laters potaters

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