1 May 2008

Oh No !!!!!!!!!

What can I say it's Manchester United against Chelsea.
Reg must be gutted.
Please don't let Manchester United win.
I would rather see anyone in the Premier League win other than Manchester United.
Haven't they got enough silver ware?
Alex Ferguson is big headed enough surely?

On the plus side I was voted in as Chair for another year.
God help me I thought I had got away with it.
Oh well there is always next year I guess...maybe Arsenal will win!!!
Maybe Thierry Henry will be back!! BONUS.

1 comment:

R.R.Jones said...

Tee, I am gutted.
I got so whammoed that I lost my mobile phone, which is a double kick in the hoohahs if you ask me.
Ah well, life goes on and next season we'll take the title.
I wouldn't hold your breath about Henry coming back though, and it looks like Flamini is off too,
perhaps he'll come to Liverpool...