15 Mar 2021

Author Spotlight

Hello my little chickadees, how are you all. No don't bother telling me as I'm far to busy to listen today :) I've got so much to do. Over at the UKCBC we are now doing an Author Spotlight which will feature our less known authors. This week it's Pat Adams Wright and here is her story. See what I did there? Please yourself then.

Hello Tee 

Wow, first on the list, and thank you so much for giving me this opportunity which I’m grabbing with both hands. Promotion is really hard as you know, so any help is most appreciated. 


So, a little bit about myself. I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK with my wife Denise and sister Julie. We have two doggies, Willow who is a Jackaranian (Russel and Pom) and Teddy who is a Malchi (Maltese terrier and Chihuahua)


How do you feel about writing a synopsis?

I always find this bit really difficult and think basically I'm rubbish at it. How do you condense a book of around 100,000 words into just a few hundred? One publisher asked for one in just 100 words. I thought I'd misread it at first, but no, it was indeed 100.


How many books have you written Pat?

I have seven books published and approaching half-way (I think) on my 8th.


Do you have a routine for writing?

I always write in the afternoon, about 5 hours, unless I really need to do something in a hurry, in which case I may start about 10am. The problem is, it takes my body so long to function, the earlier the start, the earlier I have to wake up. Given that I only average between two and three hours sleep a night, it’s not easy to arrange.


What are your favourite foods, drinks, and also your hobbies?

My favourite foods are seafood, vegetables, salad and fruit. My favourite drinks are tea (builders’ style!) champagne, mojitos and Chateauneuf du Pape (red wine) I never drink very much though… because I use morphine and other strong pain killers. My hobbies are ghost hunting (I had my own group for 8 years), road cycling, especially the classic events – Tour de France, La Vuelta, the Giro. However, it’s mainly just watching these days,


Have you any WIP at the moment Pat, or anything due to be published?

My latest WIP is book 3 of the Kirsty Savidge series, a follow up to Best Served Cold and Calm Fury. The working title is, The Devil Within. 


Have you any interviews coming up?

I have an interview with, Sam Brownley at UKCBC coming up on Wednesday, 17th Match from 7pm – 8pm 



Would you like to add any of the links to your books here Pat?

Thank you, Tee. The link at the bottom of the page shows all of my books. My first five were written with the LGBTQ market in mind, but apparently anyone can read them. The first of those - Run – has a strong police presence. The last two, Best Served Cold and Calm Fury are dedicated to crime.


Many thanks for talking to me Pat.

Link to books:












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